Palestinian National Forum and The Children & Youth Centre cooemorate the 76 anniversory of Nakba

The Palestinian National Forum and the Children & Youth Center- CYC commemorated the 76th anniversary of the Nakba in a massive popular rally in Shatila camp, which included speeches as well as a number of artistic performances for the children of Alma Kindergarten and the Remedial Education program at the Children & Youth Center- CYC. In addition to an exhibition of photos about the brutality crimes anti humanity by Israeli occupation during the past seven months.

Mr. Abu Moujahed opened the event, welcoming the speakers, guests, and all attendees from the steadfast Shatila camp. Stressing that Toufan Al-Aqsa has changed the confronting equations against the occupying enemy, and placed the flabby Palestinian leadership in front of a single choice: either joining the armed struggle, the aspirations of the people and the youth generation ambition toward the just, freedom and peace. Abandoning Oslo record, and stop the security coordination with the enemy. Or time will transcend it. He called for the awakening of the Palestinian factions and civil institutions to pay attention to the miserable conditions of the camps at all levels Health, Education, Environment, economic, and Social, and not to rely on the policies of UNRWA and donors who provide relief aid that does not support or enrich the camps.

Then the children of CYC presented the artistic performances inspired by the occasion and in solidarity with the children, mothers and civilians people of Gaza, and their steadfastness in confronting the Zionist occupying enemy, and its brutal crimes committed against the people in all Palestine, and South Lebanon, The children had affected emotionally the attendances and got their encouragement.

The Words :

A Word of the head of Palestinian National Forum by the Palestinian National Council member, the historical struggler Salah Salah,

A Word of the Palestinian National Alliance by the responsible of the institutions and leagues in Hamas movement, the struggler Abu Ahmed Fadle.

A Word of PLO by the Political Relations Officer in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP comrade Abdullah Al-Dannan.

The words were unanimous on the lessons of the Nakba, and the escalating path of struggle embodied by the legendary steadfastness of the people and its resistance in Gaza, West Bank and South Lebanon in confronting the criminal American-West and Zionist aggression, and their policy of killing, destruction, displacement and racist genocide. The words condemned the normalized Arab failure regimes.

The speakers praised the role of the resistance axis in Yemen, Iraq and southern Lebanon in supporting the resistance and striking enemy bases. They also called for strengthening the national unity and escalating resistance, the necessity of getting out of the circle of bargaining and wrong bets, and the necessity of siding with the escalation of resistance to impose a permanent cessation of aggression, The return of the displaced people to their places, and the restoration, and freedom to the prisoners.

The speakers saluted the democratic forces advocating for the right of freedom, just, peace and return of the Palestinian refugees, thanks and appreciation to South Africa and the Universities Student Movements in the world, exposing the racist nature of the Israeli-Zionist entity and the genocide crimes which carries out with American and Western support.

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