The Commemoration of Nakba 68 and Nahr El Bared Catastrophe 68

21 2016 68 ϡ 500 .

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On 21 May 2016 Children & Youth Centre-CYC has commemorated the 68 anniversary of the NAKBA and the 9 years of Nahr El Bared catastrophe in the presence of more than 500 persons, representative of Palestinian political organizations, popular committee, NGOs public personalities and the camp population.
Mr. Abu Moujahed the director of CYC has greet the struggle and determination of the Palestinian people through tenth of years. calling for continuing the spirit of heroic and resistance. calling not to remember only the black pages of Nakba, catastrophes, massacres. conspiracies and wars. but also the heroics, uprisings, the resists. to remember the martyrs and prisoners. teaching the children that they belong to great people and nation, and they are not alone, everywhere many friends are standing beside the Palestinian rights of return and live free and dignity. He has mentioned with appreciation to The Palestinian and Global collation of the Right to Return for the initiative of spreading Palestine Map for acknowledge and educating the new generations about their cities and villages at Home.

Abu Moujahed considered UNRWA service reduction, the Lebanese Government procedures, Some Arab regimes giving hands to Israel and the continuity believe of destructive Oslo recode means against the Palestinian interests and their right to return, aiming to force the refugees to immigrate, and occupation remain. All w
hat is going in the region leads to more division of the Arab countries, steeling their resources and create more depending regimes to USA and Western governemnts, to increase the Effective Zionist influence and Israel remain.

Abu Moujahed call for not to be depended to donors work for their agendas, but making pressure to rebuild Nahr El Bared and obtain the rights from who conspired and found The occupation in Palestine.

Assuring, Palestinian people will win and surely return.

The occasion ended with creative folklore and cultural dance, national songs and poems performed by CYC children and Youth in Shatila and Nahr El Bared, everybody was pleased and admiring