Annual Iftar for he CYC Youths and Friends

29-6-2016 150 ɡ ݡ ɡ ɡ ҡ . .
After the Iftar if the children last week, CYC had the annual Iftar on Wednesday 29-6-2016 for about 150 friends, the Political Organization Representatives, Mr. Nazih Yacoub Palestinian Program officer UNICEF, the popular committee. Lebanese and Palestinian NGOs, CYC Youths, Foreign guests, Syrian and Palestinian refugee families. It was special occasion to meet with all the friends at a wonderful cultural evening of Ramadan. Happy Ramadan

Workshop about the labors rights

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In cooperation with the friends in Lebanese Labor watch, CYC has received Dr. Ahmad Dirani who provide a fruitful, informative and knowledgeable workshop about the Labor rights and the legal procedures to protect the labors rights in their jobs, Dr. Dirani mentioned the syndicate role in organizing the labor movements and protecting their rights.