CYC Summer Camp;space of;talents;fun and Happiess

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CYC ended the 21st Children Summer Camp at The Vocational Training Center UNRWA in Siblin, with children from Sabra, Shatila, Nahr El bared camps and Al Eqleem, The camp was a space of talent development, raising awareness, gaining skills and friendship. playing, sports, and swimming, The children enjoy a clean environment . Thanks to the Education Depa of Unrwa and Siblin Center for their cooperation, and to the Lecturers, Work team the volunteers and to supporting friends.

Welcoming the struggler friend Dr. Yanno

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Every time he comes to Beirut, its chance to call the friends to meet Dr. Giannuo in Shatila Camp. Talking about the experience of struggle and camp steadfast, memories and concerns issues of the Palestinian and Arabs conditions. and the Solidarity movement with the Palestinian people. Dr. Jiannuo will remain dear companion of struggle, our people will remain faithful to all the international strugglers for their standing with our struggle and rights of freedom, security, peace and return to Palestine.